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Aleppo Pine Resin - Greece 1oz


Our Aleppo Pine Resin is imported directly from Greece, it is fresh and fragrant. Its scent is very soft yet enlivening and healing, described as:


“Aleppo Pine Resin has terroir, minty, herbal, terpy;  like mastiha, thyme, rosemary or even ginger.” 


On the heater, the Aleppo melts into a clear fragrant pool. It enhances the scant of other resins and its sticky nature makes it a wonderful binder for blends. Ours is very fresh and creamy white, but after it dries and hardens it turns a beautiful golden color, and it becomes more brittle and easy to use.


Aleppo has a long history. It has been used throughout history for sealing the barrels that the Greek wine Retsina was stored in, and still is.  It was also one of the “secret “ ingredients in Egyptian Kyphi formulas and was known as “the fat of the pine”.


The Aleppo pine resin is said to have aphrodisiac qualities as well as medicinal properties. It works well to open the lungs and help with respiratory problems.


It is soft and sticky, so we recommend you use incense tongs or wear rubber gloves when working with it. Works well on an Electric Incense Heater or on charcoal.


This price is for 1.5 oz.


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