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Mermade Natural Incense Sticks

Mermade Incense sticks are all natural, contain no artificial ingredients, burning agents, charcoal or chemicals. It is fresh and unique- just real incense. Needs no charcoal or heater to burn...Each blend is made in small batches, hand mixed , rolled and cut by Katlyn and Areeya. The selections will change with the seasons. They come in a glass jar topped with a cork and sealed with raw beeswax to maintain freshness. The number of sticks in each vial may vary due to stick size, but usually there are about 7-9 pieces in each container.
Nature Spirits contain fine resins , the natural binders, precious woods, herbs and spices, these are then enhanced with pure essential oils . It is truly a labor of love... Only available at Mermade.
When burning this incense place the stick in a censer filled with rice ash or sand and light the top. Let it burn for a while before gently blowing out the flame. Since Nature Spirits have a high resin and essential oil content you may have to light it again. Nature Spirit blends  may also be placed on a electric incense heater to enjoy with very little smoke. May they enhance your sense of the sacred ...